Tiffani showed up in my office as a busy mom of 3 very active daughters, with no history of exercise and an addiction to fast food.
After taking care of her two ailing parents for 4 years she found herself at her heaviest weight ever
205 pounds.
She knew it was finally time to take care of herself.
In the last 9 months she’s lost 30 pounds and dropped 3 dress sizes.
Check out her video and pick up the keys to her success.
:17 How she gained the weight after taking care of her parents through
illnesses and taking care of her own growing family
:56 How she found the program and her starting point
1:20 What she’d tried before to lose weight
2:16 What results she’s gotten from the program and how
she’s fitter at 45 than she was at 20
2:39 How the program allows her to keep up with her teenage
3:06 How she dealt with and overcame her addiction to
4:35 How her own weight loss has carried over to helping
her family to get healthier
4:53 How even though she’d NEVER exercised before this
program worked for her
6:00 When the first person noticed she’d started dropping
6:28 How she broke her plateaus
6:49 Her advice for you
Check it out.
Talk soon.
P.s. If you’re ready for a change and don’t know where to start we can help.
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