“You could just as easily change your life today as any other day. You don’t need to wait for January first.” – Dan Kennedy
Today is the perfect time to take a few minutes and think about where you are with your health and fitness goals, where you want to go, and what you need to do to get there …then make an action plan to start this week off.
This, like most lessons I’ve learned the hard way, because no other way would get my attention.
-If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.
So you must do something different.
Take action this week on one big rock that is standing in your way of accomplishing your goals.
You can:
-Cut out Soft Drinks
-Swear off Fast Food (or at least the drive through)
-Clean out your refrigerator and cupboards of any food that doesn’t help you to your goals.
-Schedule your exercise like you brush your teeth.Everyday
-Change your exercise routine if you’re bored. There’s no reason to do boring exercise!
Take action on ONE thing and knock it out of the park.
At the end of the day there’s only one politiclly incorrest truth:
The ONLY thing holding you back is you. If you are procrastinating, now is the time to overcome the internal resistance.
AsĀ Dan Kennedy said in a seminar back in 2009.
“The failure to act is much more often the product of inner, emotional resistance than external resistance. To move forward you must give up your story, whether it is excuses about your childhood, lack of education, your “bad luck”, your unsupportive family, your low metabolism, etc”
Tough love. And challenging words.
But helpful words.
Especially to those of us that need to hear them.
We can all do better.
Myself, Kennedy, and you.
One big rock this week. One big obstacle hat’s been in your way.
Over, around, or through it…you’ll find a way.
It’s time for you to step up and take charge. Just do it.
I’m waiting for your success story.
It CAN be done and YOU can do it!
Talk soon.
P.s. There’s a whole group of people that have taken charge of their own lives, and moved the big rocks. If you’d like to meet them. Click Here=>Body Firm Fitness Camp