“Cherish time, your most valuable resource.
You can never make up the time you lose. It’s
the most important value for any productive
happy individual and is the only limitation
to all accomplishment. To waste time is to
waste your life. The most important choices
you’ll ever make are how you use your time.”
-Kekich Credo #2
With Spring and Summer around the corner
we’re all facing a familiar time crunch
of more to do and less time to get it all
In fact the #1 Reason people give for NOT
working out is “lack of time”.
We all need to get more done in less time.
There is good news though.
What I’ve learned over the last few years
with my clients is how to get twice the
results in half the time.
Back in the day we only did one hour sessions.
In the last 4 years we realized we could get
faster results, by crushing that hour workout
down to 30min.
You can take save time in your workouts just
like we do.
There’s 3 things that you can do to make your
workouts Shorted AND more productive.
1) Have a written plan.
Taking the 5 minutes required to write your
workout down will save you hours of inefficiency
and wandering around from exercise to exercise.
The power is IN the planning also. You can
throw out exercises that don’t move you directly
to your goal. Like doing tricep kickbacks with
5lb dumbbells when your goal is to lose 30lbs.
The exercises you choose should move you directly
to your goal. Not just exercise for the sake of
Which brings us to point number 2.
2) Do full body exercises that use a lot of
muscle in a short amount of time.
The more muscle you use in less time equals
faster visible results you can see in the mirror.
We use these Full-Body exercises in our program
to get rapid results. You can see some of our
workouts and exercises demonstrated here.
Click Here=>Total Body Fat Loss Workout
Click here=>FastĀ Boot Camp Workout
Think exercises like
Dumbell presses
Squat Clean and presses overhead
Deadlifts from the floor
1 Arm clean and presses
Pull-ups(or Pull-downs)
Lunges with any upper body movement
curls or presses
In fact 1 or 2 sets of each of the
exercises above would be a very
effective total body 30 min workout.
3) Have a deadline.
You’ve got your written plan and your
start time.
You need to have an end time too, 30 min,
later. No matter what you have or have not
gotten done, you’ve got to walk out.
This will force you to focus, eliminate
distractions, idle talk, and conversation
when moving from exercise to exercise.
You’ll also notice a sense of urgency and
less pacing yourself when you know it’s
going to be only 30 min and you focus
on” how much can I get done in this short
amount of time”.
Use these 3 principle to get twice the results
in half the time just like our VIP Clients.
Talk soon.
P.s.If you’ve tried and failed “trying it
on your own”. It’s not your fault and you’re
not alone. Get the plan, coaching and support
you need in our Accelerated Results Training
Program. Click Here=>FREE Consult