Want something?
Well, do you merely think it would be nice?
Do you really, really want it.
What we’re into here is the real rocket science of fat loss. We’ve mastered the exercise equation. The nutrition is dialed in. Now what mindset has to be present for the process to work.
One thing that fat loss research has shown to be an absolute must for achievement is a clear goal. Nothing will stall and hamper your efforts faster than not having a clear goal.
You can boil down to this statement.
Goal Setting: Nothing, absolutely nothing will bullet-proof and accelerate your results than having clear, written, measureable, time-bound goals that you work on everyday.
First: Why don’t people set goals?
1) You think goals aren’t important.(or you don’t know how important they are)
If you didn’t grow up with parents who taught you this explicitly or by example, you’d have no idea about this results accelerator. Every top performer in every field has clear written, measurable goals. They mey have been doin it so long it’s automatic. I’ve noticed my best clients are goal oriented action takers.
2) You don’t know how.
You need to be clear that a goal is not a wish. Your goal should be clear, specific, and written down. You will be able to measure it, and you know whether or not you’ve achieved it. This is the feed back loop necessary for progress.
3) You have a fear of failure.
Yes failure hurts and smart people minimize the pain. It is a mistake to unconsciously sabotage yourself by not setting up any goals at which you fail. This is self-defeating behavior. By the way you will fail, quite often in route to realizing your goals, and that’s completely O.K.. Fail, learn from it, get over it, move on.
Second: Goal Setting – If you’ve never done this before you’ll choose one, simple, realistic, and measurable goal for yourself. This is the goal you’ll reach for over the next two weeks. It can be lose 4 lbs or showing up for every workout. It doesn’t have to be sexy or world-changing, just something you want for yourself. Example lose 4 lbs in the next 2 weeks.
1) Now open your journal. Write your goal down at the top of the page. It must be written using the “Three P Formula”. Your goal must be written in the Positive, Present, and Personal tense. Don’t write “I will lose 4 lbs in the next week”, write “I’ve lost 4lbs by (set a date).
2) Everyday write this goal at the top page of your journal. Take 30 seconds to reflect on this goal, and ask yourself; what are the things you can do today that will get you closer to your goal. You’re not just planning the actions you can take but you’re also planning around obstacles.
3) This technique will be accelerated if you do it, not just at the beginning of the day but also at the end of the day. Repetition matters the more often you see this the faster you’ll move toward it.
4) Multiply your results to accelerate and solidify the process. Each time you write down your goal, write below the 3 things you can do to move yourself closer to the goal. This does kick in the old brain and it works like you wouldn’t believe.
5) O.K. I know you didn’t come here for some kind of cult like experience and I understand, but you need to do this. Trust the process.
Write down your goals! You may not have any idea how it will be accomplished, it doesn’t matter! All that matters is that you know that writing down your goal day after day and focusing on it will drive it into your subconscious. You unconsciously begin to move in the direction of your goal.
Like a Homing pigeon that has the location of it’s home imprinted in it’s brain; once released, it travels hundreds of miles to move closer to it’s goal of getting home without knowing for sure how it will get there. But it does get home.
Later this week we’ll get down to business on Planning, Preparation, and Showing Up to get results.
Dedicated to Your Success,