Hope you’re having a GREAT day!
It’s beautiful outside and this is the perfect time for you to decide what you want your Summer to look like.
And what YOU want to look like this Summer.
Far too many people dread the Summer with the shorts, swimsuits and pool parties, because they’re so uncomfortable in their own skin.
Not you.
Not this year.
That’s because the key to having an amazing Summer is…
(I talked about this a few weeks ago also)
In todays world, many of us have lost focus.
In fact, many people can’t even hold a single thought in their minds for more than a split second.
And who can blame them?
There’s so much going on.
THere’s the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, texting, smartphones television and more-all trying to get your attention.
PLUS-far too many of us are trying to do a million things at once, bouncing around from task to task and thought to thought, like a pinball.
That is totally counterproductive to hitting your fitness goals or really any goals you have in life.
That’s because what you focus on expands.
And if you’re not steadily putting your attention and FOCUS on the things you want, is it any surprise why so many people fail to achieve their goals?
So starting today(and the rest of the year) I challenge you to take control of that thing between your ears-your mind.
Start practicing to calm your thoughts and get control over what you’re thinking.
Focus on what you want….
Get your “my best weight” photos up, preferably on the refrigerator.
Keep an index card with a goal you’d like to achieve and look at it on a regular basis.
Think of creative ways to improve your powers of concentration.
And tell people that you know will support you, what your goals are… that extra accountability will work wonders.
When you practice keeping your focus you’ll find that this may very well be your BEST Summer EVER!
Talk soon.
P.s. Do you need to lose 20 or more pounds, can you follow instructions, are you motivated, are you coachable? If so you may qualify for our Accelerated Results Program.
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