Why interval training?
Because long, slow, old school cardio is NOT the best way to lose fat.
I make my case against it in The Dark Side of Cardio-and a Cure
Why should you kill your Cardio Routine?
Because Cardio is:
1.Boring (Like watching paint dry or grass grow.)
2.Time-Consuming (Who has 2 hours for a roundtrip to the Gym?)
3.Ineffective for Fat Loss (Ooops! everything would be forgiven if it actually, you know, worked and got results)
So when you watch the video you’ll see the basics of How-to
Keys to success here:
1. No more than 2-3 sessions per week.
2. Intensity is key. Hit your level 7-9 during the work or hard phase. Then back it all-the-way-down to a 3 during the easy or recovery phase. Most common problem is people not going low enough during recovery phase.
3. Use the incline on the treadmill to add intensity but not more than 2%-3% grade. Or add speed, you’ll be surprised how fast you can go for short periods.
4. 6-10 cycles and stop. People always make the mistake of more is better. “If 8 cycles cut fat,16 cycles will cut twice as much!” No! You’ll get less results at best injured at worst.
3 Workouts to Get You Started: Put one into play today!
Workout#1 — 3/2 Power-Walking program-This is if you’re unfit, carrying extra weight, or the knees just aren’t going to hold up start with a 3 minute low/2 minute high routine. Don’t go over 20-30 minutes. Remember the level of intensity is key not time exercising. Hit your level 7 for 3 minutes then back it down to your level 3 for 3 minutes. 4 or 5 cycles and you’re done. You can increase the intensity with the incline to avoid jogging.
Workout#2 — The Intermediate 90-30 Walk/Run- A good program to jump into if you’ve been working out. 90second at a level 3 intensity and 30 seconds at your level 7-9. Don;t even think of the total time just count your 30 second intervals like a set. Do 6-10 sets and stop.
Quality over quantity.
Workout#3 — The Intermediate 30/30 Recover/Run- This is what Michelle is doing in the video. That sound you hear? That’s your heartbeat. Be properly warmed up and jog for about the first minute then crank the speed up to your level 7 for 30 seconds. Jump onto the rails. Complete recovery for 30 seconds, and this may start stretching to 45 seconds or a minute your first session. To get back onto the running treadmill use your arms to lower yourself down, when you get your leg speed up you can let go. Practice at lower speeds if you need to.
Forget the old days of Cardio. People thought the Earth was flat at one time too. No more dreading going to the gym to do hours of cardio with no results to show for it.
Get in-go hard-get out. Enjoy your new found results.
Dedicated to Your Success,