One of the most common questions I get from new clients is “Am I going to be surroundedby a bunch of fit 20yrs olds”
Absolutely not.
I say “If you see someone that’s super-fit in our boot camp they sure didn’t show up that way!”
One of the best things you can do for your own success, is surround yourself with people who are like-minded.
That have been where you are and have accomplished what you want to accomplish.
An example of this is our own weight loss success story, mom, wife and boot camp instructor
Starting out at 198 she’s lost 33lbs and over 22 inches!
I asked Karla to give you her best fat loss workout for today-
Here’s Karla-
Dave I am only giving you this because you asked!
This is the secret to my success!
It is a great cardio workout challenge. Good Luck to those that survive.
“The Ladder”
Each exercise lasts 30 seconds.
(Can be modified to 20 seconds
per each for beginners)
Jumping Jacks (30 sec)
-Rest for 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks (30 sec)
Prisoner Squats (30 sec)
-Rest for 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks (30 sec)
Prisoner Squats (30 sec)
Push Ups (30 Sec)
-Rest for 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks (30 sec)
Prisoner Squats (30 sec)
Push Ups (30 sec)
Y Reverse Lunge (20 sec per side)
-Rest 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks (30 sec)
Prisoner Squats (30 sec)
Push Ups (30 sec)
Y reverse Lunge (20 sec per side)
Jump Squats (30 sec)
-Rest 2 minutes then start back
down the ladder.
First round back down would be
all 5 exercises then dropping
one each round.
Hope you enjoy!
Have a great day and keep going!
Talk soon.
P.s. Want to get around a group of like-minded people for 7 Days FREE Click Here=>FREE 7 Day Pass
Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.