Hope you’re having a great day!
Over the weekend, Kidd Kraddick – a popular local radio personality passed away suddenly.
Many of my friends, clients and family have been listening to him, most, if not every, morning for the past 20 plus years.
Whether you like him or not, there’s one thing that can’t be denied: his popularity was driven by his positive and uplifting stories, tone and attitude that came across through his broadcasts.
And that’s exactly the type of person you want on your side when you’re facing a long workday ahead.
Positive, supporting and on your side.
Just like the 4th principle of the Body Firm Program is Social Support – because the more support you get, the better you’ll do.
You need to seek out positive like minded people that will help you reach your goal.
Here’s “the rest of the story” about Social Support.
Like Kekich Kredo #35 states: Stress kills. No matter how painful in the short-term, remove all chronically stressful situations environment, and people from your life.
As I’ve talked about time and time gaining social support is a huge key to your fitness success.
However just as important if not more important as getting more support is removing all negative influences in your life,
This may be painful.
You might not want to give up hanging out with lazy friends that eat junk all the time, but if it’s killing you and making you fat and unhappy, it MUST stop.
Same with work friends, If all they do is sit around and complain, then you can’;t be in that environment.
You have to separate yourself, or insulate yourself from it as best you can.
You’ll feel better almost instantly.
For example:
If you’re going to have to brown bag it when your co-workers hit the fast-food counter for lunch,
Do it.
If you have to drive a different direction to get home from the gym to avoid the donut shop.
Do it.
Avoid negative people and stressful environments. At all costs.
Your life is too short as it is and the price is too high.
The feeling of relief and amount of progress you’ll make with out the weight of negative people will astound you.
The right people are out there.
And they want you to hit your goals and beyond.
Like Kidd said,
“Keep looking up, ’cause that’s where it all is.”
Talk soon.