“What am I supposed to eat?”
This is the single most common question I hear.
And here’s the problem. No two people eat alike. In the 10,000 client consultations I’ve done. Never have I had any two people eat alike.
So many variables influence your food choices. What did your parents eat? What their parents ate influenced their choices which influenced yours. What does your spouse eat? Do you have kids in the house? Does your family eat out? Do you travel for work? Your social behaviors influence your choices. So many variables.
I like to keep things as simple as possible. As much as possible. It seems to work best for my clients.
So I came up with the 100 Best Foods List for you.
You can download the PDF. and print it-100 Best Food You can Eat
Stick it to your refrigerator like I did to keep you focused on making good choices. And you can use it as a Master Grocery List.
When the majority of what you eat is on this list. You’re going to see a noticeable change in your clothes, in the mirror and how you feel.
It’s pretty hard to go wrong with this thing.
First of all, you’ll notice, everything listed is food. Nothing is heavily processed.
Second, everything on the list is high in nutrition and moderate in calories. And that’s what you’re looking for. Easy.
Remember: It only works if you use it.
Give me some feedback in the comments. I want to know what you think.
Dedicated to Your Success,