Sometimes you just feel like you just can’t get it going. Rough day at work, spouse put you out, chores are piling up, kids are out of control. You just might need to, you know, take it easy for a while. Maybe take a day or maybe a month(year?) off from working out.
And sometimes you need a kick in the pants to remind you what people are choosing to overcome everyday.
And a reminder that Today is your Day.
If you’ve seen this before it’s not bad to watch it for an extra boost of motivation. If you don’t know the Team Hoyt story I’ll give you the short version. Here’s their story Team Hoyt
Rick was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck causing severe brain damage. The doctors advised his parents Dick and Judy to institutionalize Rick and to move on with their lives. His parents did the exact opposite working to get him a computer he controlled with his eyes and fighting to get him into public schools.
In 1977 Rick asked to participate in a local 5k Fund-raiser for a paralyzed athlete. Dick agreed to push him the 5 miles. They came in next to last. That night Rick said “Dad, when I’m running, it doesn’t feel like I’m handicapped.”
With that Team Hoyt was born.
Hope it helps you get where you need to be today.
Dedicated to Your Success,