Hope you’re having a great day!
If you want to lose weight and hit your fitness goals in record time it helps to have rules.
What I like and admire about vegetarians is they know how to set rules…
A vegetarian has a food rule that says…. I don’t eat meat.
Therefore a vegetarian DOES NOT EAT MEAT.
“I don’t eat meat unless it’s more convenient”
“I don’t eat meat except on Tuesdays”
“I don’t eat meat unless I’m really drunk.”
No. When you’re a vegetarian you DO NOT EAT MEAT.
That’s the RULE.
See how having some food and exercise rules can help you toward your goals like nothing else.
Because like we talked about yesterday, when it comes to weight loss you reallydon’t have much control over the scale.
But you DO have control over your behaviors that directly control the scale.
And when you have RULES about what you will and won’t do. Rules that govern your behavior.
Life get’s much much easier.
So if you’re struggling with staying on track, goals aren’t enough.
You need RULES.
For example one of my clients has one food rule that she swears by. To plan-shop -prepare her meals for the week on Sunday.
Here’s a photo of her fridge from Sunday night.
With this one RULE she’s ready to make progress toward her weight loss and fitness goals all week long.
This rule keeps her from getting stuck at work with nothing but bad food choices.
Her rule works.
You decide what rule or rules would work best for you.
You can keep it super simple but definitely let the rule carry some impact.
For example if you’re struggling to eat right.
Food rules that will work…
Rule #1 I will not eat fast-food
Rule #2 I will not eat anything that has High Fructose Corn Syrup
Rule #3 I will only drink alcohol one night a week.
2 or 3 Food rules and you’ll be on track to seeing results fast. And your rules can carry over to exercise too.
For example
Rule #1 I will workout 4 times per week for at least 30min.
Rule #2 I will plan my workouts into my weekly schedule. And they are non- negotiable.
(Rules can also help you out of uncomfortable situations…Someone asks you to skip your workout to go to happy hour. “Hey, I’d love to but I’ve got a rule that I have to go to boot camp”:)
When you follow these rules long enough they become your habit. It just seems easier to follow the rules.
Get out a piece of paper now and write down one or two RULES that will help you toward your weight loss and fitness goals.
Rules work, quite often when nothing else will.
I’d like to hear what rules work for you.
Talk soon.
P.s. If you want to lose 20-30lbs and get some help setting some rule for yourself. The Body Balance Challenge is starting this week.
Click Here=>Body Balance Challenge