Hope you’re having a great day!
I recently signed up a 54 year old client named Julie.
Julie has been a workout girl her entire life until about 9 years ago.
In that one year..
1. her husband got sick
2. her Mom passed away
3. she injured her knee and couldn’t run like she always had always done to maintain her fitness
4. she started going into menopause
It’s one of those things I see a lot.
She went from 120 to 160 in that one year.
It was the “perfect storm” of events and it’s way more common than most realize.
Julie came to me with knowing EXACTLY what she needed to do, she just couldn’t get herself to do it long enough to get results.
Like she said “I know exactly what to do I just need some one to make sure I do it!”
She knows how to eat healthy.
She knows hoe to exercise.
The Secret Ingredient is Accountability.
A short definition is “being called to account for one’s actions”
And we all need this at some point in our lives.
(I invest over $1,0000 a month in coaching and accountability programs. There are so many things I just WOULD-NOT do if I wasn’t answering to someone. It has always paid off in multiples)
Are you missing the “Secret Ingredient” for your own success?
All the get you in shape information is already out there.
You know that, available 24/7/365 days a year on your phone.
But you just can’t, don’t or won’t do anything with it without that accountability.
If you’re tired of starting and stopping. Each failed attempt at getting the weight off and getting back into shape, just making you feel worse and worse about yourself?
You can get the Coaching, Support and Accountability
you need to get the results you want in 4 weeks
or less with my 28 Day Kick Start.
Today is the last day it is being offered and their are 3 spaces left available.
Don’t let this excellent time of the year go by without taking some action.
The Holidays will be here in no time and you can be leaner, stronger, tighter, with more energy than you’ve had in years.
Just by getting started now.
Talk soon
P.s.There’s nothing more painful than the pain of regret. Take action today to get the results you want fast.
Click Here=>28 Day Kick Start