Happy Monday!
After last nights Super Bowl I can’t help but think about what NFL players can teach us about how to keep moving towards our weight loss and fitness goals.
When pro players are asked what quality is the most important to success in the game many say “very short memories”.
When a pro quarter back like Tom Brady throws an interception or a corner gets badly beaten by a pass receiver, he has to forget it immediately, and gear up to perform on the very next play.
I would say he has to instantly forgive and forget.
This is resiliency.
And watching Tom Brady who at 37 is one of the oldest men on the field, never give up reinforces this quality.
To throw, to be intercepted, to bounce back and play again. This drive to win even when all the indications and circumstances are going against you.
His drive to win the The Superbowl compelled him to fall and get back up, until eventually he and the Patriots won.
This is resiliency in action.
A deep desire to finally drop weight can drive you.
A wedding, class or family reunion can motivate.
A frightening vacation picture can force to take action.
Even desperation to not feel like crap all day everyday can get you off the couch.
But resiliency is necessary to keep going.
Ironically your ego can also prevent you from moving forward. Your deepest desires for getting results(When? Now! Right now!) can create frustration and stress that interferes with your success.
Often minor stressors in other parts of your life- demanding bosses, deadlines nearly impossible to meet, relationship problems etc. can overwhelm you.
And getting to the gym to workout, checking in with your coach, going to camp-get put on the back burner causing even more stress and frustration.
Commonly a diet slip up gives way to “oh what the hell!” may as well give up the whole thing-thinking.
One frustration leads to the next greater frustration.
Of course logic says it would be better to turn up your activity, forgetting quickly about it -and get through the slump faster.
“I’m going to my workout no matter what!”
“I slipped on my diet today but I’ll be right on it the rest of the week!”
But this requires greater resiliency.
Resiliency is something-much like your physical strength that can be developed through use and practice.
Resiliency can be programmed into your self-image.
To get past these inevitable weight loss plateaus, missed workouts, diet disasters -and they will happen. (Not if but when, this is universal)
You need to create an image of yourself as the kind of person who is immune to temporary disappointments and setbacks.
Think about some of the noticeably resilient you know of or in the news.
Trump has been at or near bankruptcy many times, bouncing back higher and higher after each humiliating fall.
Martha Stewart a convicted felon, walking out of prison, and immediately rebuilding herself and her name.
Everybody has an experience of resiliency.
As a child, when you fell over learning to ride your bike, did you get right back on?
Where you ever told you weren’t good enough or lacked talent, and proved that critic wrong?
Think about how you’ve successfully rebounded from a set-back before and keep that image.
It’s within you.
You’ve done it before.
Keep that in mind when the inevitable slip ups and set backs, doughnuts, and missed workouts happen-because they will.
And you can bounce back-quickly-and keep moving.
That scale will move, those clothes will get looser, and you will begin to look different in the mirror.
Develop a “short memory” to use to your advantage.
And build that resiliency.
To guarantee you results faster than ever before.
Talk soon.
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