Today, I’d like to share with you the BIGGEST secret that will help you achieve your fitness goals, no matter how big they are.
Whether you’re looking to get a super flat stomach… get lean and toned … or just get fit enough so you can be healthy well into your golden years … this secret will make it possible.
What is it?
It’s the secret of mindset.
Now before you think to yourself, “oh I’ve heard this already”, hear me out.
Rarely anyone talks about how important the mental aspect of achieving your ideal body.
But we do here because we know it’s THE MOST critical component to your results and success.
Because without the right mindset, you won’t just struggle, you simply will not accomplish your body transformation goals.
Cold but 100% true.
In fact, a slew of new research is PROVING how important your mindset is to your health and fitness.
Harvard University researchers conducted a study involving over 80 hotel room cleaning attendants. (stay with me here I’m going someplace this)
These folks were from seven different hotels. The attendants were split into two groups.
The first group was told how beneficial to their health their line of work was. After all, many of them cleaned at least 15 rooms per day.
This first group was also informed of how many calories they burned each day. Plus, they were given a handout to look at on a daily basis that showed them how many calories each activity they did burned (i.e. vacuuming, scrubbing, changing sheets, etc).
The second group was not informed of how many calories their work burned. Also, they were not told that their line of work was in fact very good exercise for their body.
Researchers made sure that the lifestyles of these cleaning attendants stayed the same.
Meaning, that they didn’t start changing their exercise or eating habits at home. Also, hotel managers made sure that the attendants all had the same workload.
The result?
The cleaning attendants in the first group (those that were told how many calories they burned, etc)lost a significant amount of weight. In addition to the weight loss, they also lowered their blood pressure, and decreased their body mass index (BMI).
The second group (the ones that weren’t told about the health benefits of their job) showed ZERO improvement.
Weird, huh!?
Same workloads-different mindset and completely different outcomes!
It just goes to show how overwhelmingly important your mindset is to your success.
Another study published in the “Journal of Physiology” decided to test out this mind-body connection theory.
They got two groups of people.
One group was given what they were told was an “energy drink.” They were also told that this energy drink WOULD in fact improve their strength and performance while working out.
The second group was given an identical energy drink. However, they were NOT told about the drink’s strength and performance benefits.
The result?
Those in the first group actually DID improve their strength and performance.
The second group however, showed no improvement.
The connection is clear. In order to achieve your goals, you’ve got to have the right mindset. Otherwise, you’ll be heading upstream, without a paddle.
So how do you get this mindset?
Well first you have to have clarity on what exactly you want to accomplish.
“I want to lose weight and tone up” just isn’t going to cut it here.
If you have pictures of yourself at your best weight break them out!
You need to be able to take the focus off of the things you don’t want. Like” I don’t want this big stomach anymore or arms that keep waving after I stop”
But to instead focus on what you do want “a flat stomach, toned thighs, tight arms”.
Set clear numbers too.
You probably know what your “best weight” is.
Get on the scale and get your starting number.
What’s the difference 10-20-30 even 50lbs?
Well, now you have a solid number to shoot for.
If the scale doesn’t inspire you what’s your clothes size now? What size do you wear when you feel your best?
Now you have a clear goal.
(Don’t worry about being unrealistic You’ll set good numbers., I’ve worked with 1000’s of clients. And I’ve found people are very realistic about their goals. )
Imagine every day that you have achieved your ideal body.
( I know this sounds like whoo-whoo stuff. Just ask any Olympic athlete if they do this and they’ll say yes, because it works)
Get into the feeling of it.
Clearly see how good you look. And how good you feel.
That feeling of self-confidence that carries over into every aspect of your life.
Look at your definition. Feel how energetic you would feel.
Do this everyday, a few times per day.
And as you eat clean and train consistently and hard, around like minded supportive people, imagine that everything you’re doing, day-by-day, is getting you one step closer to your best self.
Before you know it, you’ll have achieved a body you love and others envy!
But most important, a body that you feel good living your life in.
Once you’ve got your mindset down the rest is just the mechanics of good nutrition and exercise applied over time.
Get your head right and nothing can stop you.
It’s up to you. And you can do it.
Talk soon.