Last weekend it was revealed that Facebook secretly conducted a massive psychological experiment on some 600,000 of its users by trying to see if it could manipulate their mood by showing them mostly either happy posts or sad posts on their feeds.
The point of the experiment was to see whether being subjected to either happy news or sad news from friends would make Facebook users more likely to write happy posts or sad posts of their own, and sure enough,
if you saw nothing but happy posts you were more likely to write something happy and vice versa.
What they found is their is am emotional contagion that moods CAN and are spread among social networks.
The data suggested that it did. “We show, via a massive … experiment on Facebook, that emotional states can be transferred to others via emotional contagion, leading people to experience the same emotions without their awareness,” wrote the study’s authors, scientists from Cornell University, the University of California at San Francisco, and Facebook’s own Core Data Science Team.
I’m going to stay out of the was it right or wrong to conduct this experiment debate.
What is interesting and instructive here is…
The WHO you hang with is a HUGE factor in what you do and how you feel.
That’s why the 4 Core principle in out program is social support. ( I should change that to POSITIVE social support)
Social support-Getting positive support from other like minded people to help move you to your goals is
If you hang out with people that don’t care about what they put in their mouths. Don’t make any effort to maintain a healthy weight. Never exercise or stay active and regularly.
It’s nearly impossible to escape their influence.
If the “mood” at 5 o’clock is Oh thank GOD! time to drink myself blind at happy hour or go sit on the couch for 4 hours until bedtime…
You’re going to have to fight that momentumwhen you’re changing into your workout clothes in the employee bathroom at work.
You’re going to HAVE to be connected to some people that feel that not only is eating in a waythat promotes your health and you feel betterand get out and DO things like exercise.this the right thing to do.
People that think like you.
And their enthusiasm for taking that extra step
excites them.
And the sight of you wwlking in the door at the gym, to boot camp or showing up on the trail excites them and in turn excites you.
This is the “emotiional contagion” you have to seek out or join, or make it for yourself.
To make your road just a little smoother, your day just a lttle easier, to improve your absolute chances of success.
Talk soon.
P.s.Need a group of like minded people to join? The 4 Week Summer Kick-Start program, may be exactly what you’re looking for. For more info. Call Meghan at the office 817-320-0743
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