“Wisdom is knowing what to do next.
Virtue is doing it.”
– David Starr Jordan
It’s near the end of January, and I know you
may have some weight loss and fitness goals
for yourself.
After meeting with over 60 new and potential
clients these last 4 weeks…I want to tell
Yes. You CAN do it.
Doesn’t matter if it’s 20-30 even 50 pounds or more
you want to lose.
Doesn’t matter if you’ve haven’t stepped foot
in a gym for the last 25 years, or you have
NEVER worked out in your entire life.
Doesn’t matter if your breakfast of champions
is donut holes, and a liter of diet coke.
I’ve seen it and heard it all, and YOU can
overcome whatever negative habits you’ve
Believe that it can be done.
You simply have to decide what your next step
Decide what the next step to move you closer
to your goal is.
And take that step.
If you need to eat better, go to the store and
If you’ve got to go out to eat for lunch and
have no choice today, check Yelp.com for
“healthy places to eat”. And go to the nearest
If your goal is to get exercise in,and you need
a gym membership, you’ve got to find a gym that
works for you today. Start calling around now.
And go.
Already “tried it on your own” 10 times and only
have a history of NOT going to the gym, and p90X
DVD’s gathering dust on your shelf?
Get the plan-coaching-support and accountability
you need to get the results you deserve. You
can Click Here for a FREE Fast-Start Consult.
Or call our office directly at 817-320-0743
You don’t need an elaborate 16 Week plan laid
out in front of you to get started.
You only need to define what your next step
is and take it.
Then and only then do you decide “what’s next”.
If you’ve got real goals, you’ll figure it
out. Everyone does.
Figure out YOUR next step.
And take that step RIGHT NOW.
Talk soon.
P.s. Don’t let “I’ll start in January”
turn into “I’ll start in February.”
Get the results you want in less time
than you thought possible.
For a Fast-Start Consult Click
here, or call me at the
office 817-320-0743