This is your Weekly Challenge-To help with the crazy summer schedules, holiday and weekend food overload and inevitable missed workouts.
This is THE workout for anyone going after fat/weight loss.
Because Fat loss is 85% diet. I’m going to give you a one day a week workout that will accelerate your fat loss more than 6 hours of exercise will.
I recommend to do this workout on Sunday to set you up for the whole week.
It’s called the PSP Workout-(Plan-Shop-Prepare)-It will be most effective fat loss workout you’ll ever do at any time of the year. And because of it you’ll drop fat all week. Even during the Summer when most people are at best holding the line on their weight.
On Sunday(or the day you choose) your workout is to:
–Plan your meals for the week(it’s easier than it sounds) Don’t forget to include healthy snacks. Make your Shopping list(or use mine below) and go to the store.
–Shop, buy everything you need for 7 days (You need 3 eggs a day and only buy a dozen, on day 5 you’re caught short and will end up at the drive-thru with an Egg MCMuffin.)
–Prepare your meals and you’re ready for the week.
That’s your fat-loss workout for Sunday.
If you’re starting from scratch-use my 100 Best Foods List to start with, just be sure to use a written list so you can tweak it according to your needs. Key is if it’s not on your list and it won’t help you to your goals-Don’t Buy It!
This can be a challenging workout the first time you do it. Next week will be easier because you’ll already have your list. Like any workout that you repeat regularly it will get easier.
Just taking time to Plan-Shop-Prepare will provide a huge pay-off to your results. Especially at a time of year when “forget about your diet” temptation is everywhere.
Remember no amount of exercise will beat diet for fat loss. Get this right and you’ll see better results, and you’ll feel better faster. That’s a win any way you look at it.
Talk soon.