Hope you’re having a great day!
With the July 4th Holiday next
week. You may be traveling
this weekend or next week.
Summer days are long and you
can get a lot done. But they’re
ususally filled with kids, travel,
and eating a lot of (usually bad)
All the busyness squeezes out time
for you regular workout.
The one thing you can do for
yourself that will be like the “gift
that keeps on giving”
Is stay as consistent as possible with
your workouts.
Staying consistent, even if it means
just squeezing in 10 minutes of body-weight
exercises in your hotel room, or running
a couple of blocks in the morning.
It’s not the physical return that matters
so much.
What’s more important is the habit and Belief
that you’re reinforcing.
With consistency….
You’re reinforcing the BELIEF that YOU ARE
the kind of person that worksout regularly.
With consistency…
You’re you’re reinforcing the HABIT of
working out.
And the stronger your belief and the
more automatic your habit becomes, the
easier it is to stick with exercise.
To see the results, to feel better, to
become that person that you want to be.
So get your workout in, even if it’s just
this 20 min. fat scorcher.
Ultimate 19 Minute Fat Loss Workout
Do as many rounds as possible in the
3 min time limit.
(If your exercise form begins to completely
break down, rest -but but time continues to
3 min
10 Push Ups
10 Body Weight Squats
1 Min rest
3 min
10 sit ups
5 Burpees
1 min rest
3 min
10 Close grip Push ups
10 Jump Squats
1 min rest
3 min
10 Sit ups
10 Mountain Climbers
(10 per leg)
1 min rest
3 min
10 Wide Push Ups
10 Forward Lunges
“The best way to get started is to get
started. Life rewards action… not reaction.
Wait for nothing. Attack life. Don’t plan
to death or ask for permission…
but act now… and apologize later.”
Kekich Credo #81
Build the habit, build your belief.
I know you can do it.
Talk soon.
P.s. If you’ve been struggling to drop
weight, need a plan-coaching-support-
and a fast start in the right direction.
I’m opening up my Kick-Start 4 Weeks to
Maximum Weight Loss program.
If you’d like to apply for this fast
action 4 week weight loss coaching
program just reply to this newsletter.
Or call Meghan at 817-320-0743 And let
her know you’re interested in the