“Focus on replacing your bad habits and thought patterns, one-by-one, over time, with good habits and thought patterns.One step at a time, done over time, leads to powerful changes in your life.”
-Craig Ballyntine
First I’m going to tell you a “secret” for getting and staying in shape. That no one tells you about. And then I’ll get to the weird research study that backs this up….
Here’s the deal.
“I’m going to try it on my own” is a bad idea.
It’s wrong thinking.
Not only that but it smacks you twice.
First you say “I’m going to start eating healthy, and I’m going to the gym 3 times a week and this time I’m getting this flab off!” then a week or two into it.
You work late a couple of nights.
You miss a couple of your workouts.
Your weekend splurge carries over into the week.
You knock out a couple pieces of cake at a lunchtime party and you say “why bother.
It’s over.
So now you not only feel fatter and flabbier than before. You feel bad because you quit. And that sucks. Here’s a fact. You weren’t designed to do things “on your own”. We’re not made that way.
The “secret” is Social Support.
To reach your goals. You’ve got to get around other people who want what you want. Who are working towards or have accomplished your same or similar goals.
Ask yourself. Has anything of any significance ever been accomplished “on your own”?
Did you go to school by yourself and get educated by yourself.
Of course not.
You went to school with a group of peers and were lead by teacher.
Your first job. Did you do it “on your own”.
No way.
You were surrounded by others on the same mission and if you were lucky you had a mentor to help you avoid the job minefields along the way.
Here’s something interesting.
When Baylor University recently tried to study individual exercise behavior, something weird happened.
After teaching 53 female college student a specific weight-training workout, the researchers instructed them to “do it on their own“ three days a week for just six weeks. The idea was to measure how hard they’d push themselves if left to their own devices.
But they never got to find out.
Every single person, all 53, quit the study.
Every one of them.
A Baylor researcher said “We wanted to watch individual efforts. But without social support, the participants said they didn’t feel confident in the gym, much less exercising”
You can’t ignore the absolute power of social support in getting you to your weight loss and fitness goals.
Here’s what you CAN do.
1) Training Partner- Find a person to workout/diet with. Agree to meet, train and hold each other accountable. The right training partner is worth their weight in gold. When I get co-workers and couples that train together get faster results because of that accountability factor.
2) Sparkpeople.com– Won’t cost you a thing. Join up and check out the forums. This thing is a monster and there’s some fantastic success stories coming off of this site.
3) Take the Body Balance Challenge– If you’re one of the first 12 people to respond you’re in. This 8 week contest is pure Nutrition, Coaching and Social Support. Nothing has been left to chance. a Personal nutrition coaching session, 4 Group sessions, a Grocery Store Guide, Personalized Meal plans, grocery lists, Total Body workout templates, 31 Interval training workouts guide, and the chance to win $300.
As a bonus for the people who are entering the Body Balance program TODAY I’m adding 2 weeks of Rapid Results Boot Camp. I’m personally coaching the Body Balance program. That’s a killer deal.
Enter the 8 Week Body Balance Challenge Details are here=> Body Balance Transformation Challenge
I’m adding 2 weeks of Unlimited Rapid Results Boot Camp for entrants when you join me in this challenge. For the fastest response hit reply to this email.
Any questions? Reply to this newsletter and I’llget them answered.
Talk soon,
P.s.And there’s NO RISK to you in the Body Balance Challenge. Like all of my Guaranteed Results ProgramsYou either LOVE IT or I refund every dollar you’veinvested. YES…It’s that good!
Click Here=>Body Balance Transformation Challenge