Kids are different than adults in that they actually find fitness and being active fun- and choose to do it under their own free will. They don’t have to “make time” for it, or “suffer through” it- they enjoy it, because they make it fun. Here are some way thinking like a kid again can help get you in the right mindset about exercise.
Everything can be made into a game. Have you every watched your kid play with a friend, and they just make up games at the drop of a hat, and set a bunch of rules- then play for hours? Why drag yourself through the same boring workout, just for the sake of doing it, when you can add a little competition to the mix? Set personal goals and rules and enjoy achieving themWhy slog through the same workout routines in boredom, when you can add a little fun? Make up rules, shoot for personal records, regain your competitive spirit.
Don’t walk when you can run. Every day is full of opportunities to increase your fitness. This rule is closely related to “don’t drive when you can walk.”
Play with friends. Kids always want to be with other kids- they will walk right up to kids they have never seen before and start playing together. Don’t be afraid to make fitness friends- they make working out a fun social event, instead of a solitary, lonely chore.
Playtime is a necessary break. Parents are always pushing their kids outside to go play, because we know that playtime is important for kids- well, its important for you, too, for the same reasons. You need to burn off a little energy throughout the day, get some exercise, stretch your legs and gain some balance in life. All work and no play makes for a dull, out of shape adult.
Imagination is key. There are opportunities for fitness everywhere. Get creative. Use everyday situations and objects to inspire you with new ways to work out. Stuck at your kids soccer practice? Run stairs, or the side lines as they play, instead of just standing around. Waiting for the bus? Do calf raises on the curb. You always have time if you think outside the box.
Don’t grow up too fast. You have your whole life ahead of you. Being an adult doesn’t mean you can;t have fun, and fortunately, the fun things in life require a little athletic ability and drive.
Go play.