I recently met with a client that had become frustrated.
She’d dropped 3lbs her first week.
The second week she hadn’t lost any weight on the scale.
During the third week when she saw that her weight hadn’t moved, she gave up and went off her diet, without telling anyone.
By the time she got to me, she was back on the wagon, but very frustrated.
And I believe she is justifiably frustrated because I had failed to warn her this weight loss success process can be messy.
And there’s not ever been a successful client that’s not went through this part of the process.
Even the with the best coaching, plans andtons of support, you’re going to run into obstacles.
Sometimes it’s really messy and you’reĀ going to have days you eat bad and workouts will be missed..
You’re simply not going to travel to your goal in a straight line.
It’s most likely going to look like this.
You’re going to work, work, work and work some more and get nothing.
You can and will mess up, a lot!
You’ll continue forward make adjustments to your eating anf exercise work and work and work some more.
Then one morning you will get up and you’ll see the scale has moved, you’re clothes are looser, you can see muscles you never even knew you had…
It happens every time.
The most important concept to grasp is the firm belief of never giving up.
As long as you show up, and make changes to the way you’re eating, over time you will see results.
It won’t be pretty , it won’t always be fast and it won’t always be on your time table.
But it will happen as long as you persevere.
“Whatever you do or plan, there will be obstacles that you won’t be able to predict. And the bigger and more important the undertaking, the more likely the odds of encountering them will be. However,every obstacle is not actually an impediment, nuisance, or disaster: it is an opportunity for success. It is by overcoming obstacles that you learn and grow, and even find a sense of meaning and accomplishment.”
– Neil Strauss
It CAN Be done and you CAN do it.