Hope you’re having a great day!
We all have well meaning but
misguided people in our lives
that for good or bad aren’t
really “on-board” with us
wanting to get more out of
our lives.
There’s nothing more frustrating
than having your workouts and
healthy eating derailed.
So many things are beyond your
control. Illness, injury, kids
schedules, spouses expectations,
traffic, work travel, vacations
the list goes on and on.
This includes the well meaning
person, friend, coworker, family
member that doesn’t “get it”.
For lack of a better word I’m
going to use the Toxic Person.
It doesn’t mean they’re “bad”
just painfully unaware of how
bad you want it.
The toxic persons desire is to
persuade you to do something
other than workout or make a
healthy food choice.
They may be doing it maliciously,
to keep you right where you’re at.
Or it could be completely innocent.
Either way you need a way to
neutralize them without creating
more problems.
For example:
They just don’t get how you can
really want to skip happy hour
and go to the gym! How boring!
So how do you beat the toxic
person at their own game and not
burn a bridge or hurt their feelings.
Here are 3 phrases you can use
to neutralize toxic people.
1) I’m Not Interested.
When someone on the phone or in
person is trying to persuade me
to skip a workout entirely or
change my schedule up.
I know the worst thing I can
do is explain in logical terms
why I can’t do that.
So you simply say..“I’m Not
You should try it. Don’t even
offer a reason you’re not
interested. No one knows why
som things hold interest for
others. That’s not your problem.
I’ve been using this phrase for
years. To stay on track.
2) I Don’t Do That.
Another good persuasion sentence
is “I don’t do that”.
It’s not even really a reason!
But, it sure sounds like one.
Like if someone brings in one of
those diabetes starter kits in
the form of a dozen Krispy Kreme
donuts. And then starts to
give you the pressure to get
your sugar high with them.
I simply say “I don’t do Krispy
And if anyone asks I kick in
“I’m just not interested”.
Sometimes you have to give a toxic
person the one-two verbal punch.
And that’s OK too.
3) I Have a Rule.
This is my FAVORITE. No one has
ever questioned it.
You’re trying to get out of the door
at the office to make a 5:30 workout
and someone is holding you up and
wonders why you won’t do happy hour.
You say “I have a rule that I always
go to the gym on Thursdays”
It will sound convincing while
remaining polite, while offering
no reason whatsoever.
So now you have 3 strong persuasive
phrases to neutralize toxic people
in your life.
Use them in good health.
Talk soon.
P.s. If you don’t want to be one of
those “New Years Resolution people”
you need to act now.
Get the workouts, nutrition, coaching,
and support. To get the results
you want in record time.
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