Hope you’re having a great day!
I couldn’t pass this up.
The film “Magic Mike” opens this weekend with Texas native Matthew McConaughey front and center.
What was this 42 year old, married father of twos, inspiration to get in the best shape possible for this role?
He said,”Vanity baby…Your backside is going to be 40 foot tall and wide in the center of screen”.
He added..
“It’ll get you to the gym and eating right for sure”
Eat right and get to the gym-sound advice to look your best.
The movie isn’t exactly a family film, but don’t let that distract you from the incredible condition Matthew got into for this role.
To get this type of lean, firm and defined body(whether you’re a guy or a girl)
You need to burn fat, and use resistance to create maximum definition in minimum time.
One more thing I’ve noticed in interviews with Matthew. No matter where he goes or what he’s doing, he always seems to be having a good time.
Be sure you have a good time too.
Magic Mike Workout
30-45 seconds per exercise.
1-3 rounds of each circuit.
Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.
Circuit 1.
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Regular Push Ups
3. Body weight Squats
4. Mountain Climber
5. Reverse Lunges(30 sec each leg)
Circuit 2.
1. Running in Place
2. Close Grip Push ups
3. Body Weight Jump Squat
(or Full Body Extensions)
4. “Old School” Bicycles
5. Split Sguats(30 Sec each leg)
Circuit 3.
1. Burpees
2. Wide Push ups
2. Close stance squats
3. Sit-ups
4. Plank
Magic Mike is definitely a challenging workout.
If you’re a beginner 1-2 rounds will get you started.
Intermediate or advanced 2-3 rounds and go for it.
Have a great weekend!
Talk soon.
P.s.If you like this workout there’s more where this came from. Get around like minded people, have fun and get in shape all at one time. Click Here=>Free Week of Boot Camp